Unfortunately, there is no way (at this time) to upgrade the Empeg via the USB port. Only serial right now.

You will be able to upgrade with USB or Ethernet in the future, but those would require starting with a newer version of the software to begin with, and you're in a catch-22.

Also, the USB/Ethernet upgrade methods will only be useful if you've got a working player. If something has gone wrong during the upgrade process, causing the player software to fail, then you would still be forced to fall back to serial as the emergency upgrade method. So really, you still need a serial port in the long run.

The reason for all this trouble is because the protected power-on-boot firmware can only talk to the serial port. USB and Ethernet aren't active until after Linux has loaded from the hard disk. So if your player is totally hosed and the software can't boot from the hard disk, the only recourse is to talk to the serial port at power-on.

And finally, you can't use my Logo Editor without a serial port, so now you definitely need to have one.

There are adapters available which will let you add serial ports via the USB plugs. Although I've never heard of any Empeg owners trying an upgrade with one of these adapters, I assume it would work. Does anyone have (a) experience with these, and/or (b) links to these products?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris