I havn't seriously used ICQ in about 5 years, but I never saw any hyphens at the time. Perhaps it's a new thing.

My ICQ is: ICQ Pro v2003b, build #3890, dating back to July, 2003.

Every UIN that ICQ has ever displayed to me has been in the ###-###-### format (sometimes just ##-###-###, or even #-###-##, depending on how near the beginning the UIN was assigned For instance, Tony Fabris' ICQ num ber is 1-228-###, suggesting that he is truly an old-timer)

The annoying people who bombard me with ICQ spam wishing to be put on my user list all show up with hyphenated numbers. The six people on my contact list all display with hyphens.

If anybody wants to see a genuine ICQ screen complete with hyphenated ICQ number, see the attached. :-)

I notice that if I search for ICQ users by nickname (BTW, Tony, did you kow that there are about a dozen people on ICQ using the same nickname that you use?) then it lists the numbers without the hyphens.

Go figure...

What sorts of people (still) use ICQ?

Not me any more... ICQ made their product completely unusable by putting a changing ad below the box that you type into -- and every time the ad changes, the window focus changes to the ad box, and I can't contine typing until I take the mouse and reset the focus to the typing window.


278386-ICQScreen.JPG (84 downloads)

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"