Seen http://wickedlasers.com/ ?

Some pointer info:

The typically red pointer is a Class 3b Laser which is limited to 5mw output or less. Most output less than 3mw. The human eye is much more sensitive to green light so the green Class3b pointers seem brighter at the same output. Not to mention that makers of green pointers generally build them closer to the 5mw max.

The green wikedlasers are to be avoided for use as presentation pointers. These are very eye unfriendly, and the damage is permanent. The higher power models take only a flash to cause damage. A careless swing across the room, or a reflection off of a metallic surface will suffice.

Finally no laser pointer is safe in the hands of kids or adolescents. A toddler when confronted with a flash light will invariably look into the bulb.

Yeah the Wiked lasers are neat but I expect sooner or later they will be banned from commercial sale, or at least highly regulated.