I'm close enough to NYC that I wouldn't mind going there to sell them or get them appraised. I saw a consignment shop and they keep 50% once the items sell. Assuming (I really don't know) that the $20k fur could sell for $3k, I'm not really hot on going that route for only $1,500.

I have rented a table at a computer show once just to sell my personal junk. I'm thinking that going to a fur show (I think they exist) just to sell these 3 directly might be worth it. I have no idea how I would process the order though. I doubt people will be walking around with huge wads of cash and I'm not going to take a personal check for that. And, if they don't sell, that's a waste of a weekend.

Craigslist might be good, but I live too off the beaten path for people to come check the coats out.

I also assume that furs are similar to diamonds in that the appraisal price is nowhere near what you can expect the item to sell for.

A real live auction might be a good option. Do reserve prices exist at a live aucion?
-Rob Riccardelli
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