I use DVDshrink and Daemon Tools. Shrink everything and make an ISO out of them. then mount the ISO's in Daemon tools and run shrink again. you can pull from multiple disks in Shrink, so I pull title 1 from drive g, title 1 from drive h: and so on. it will then re-shrink them to fit on one DVD.
Daemon tools is an awesome piece of work, can emulate both CD and DVD from ISO. Works with all major copy protections, so I often rip my game CD's and just play off the ISO. Much faster, and I don't scratch the disks all up. Oh, and it's free.
It seems the new version tries to install When-U-save, but that is easily uninstalled without affecting the functionality of DT.
You don't even need to mount them as shrink will let you load directly from the video_ts folders.... however when I got to a certain point the files started getting bigger when using shrink and there's still no way to put a menu in using shrink. 
Thanks all the same!
12 gig empeg Mark II, SN: 080000101
30 gig RioCar SN: 30103114
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