Thanks guys, gmail looks like the ticket. pobox.com looks way cool as well. I'm debating on whether I should use just gmail or pobox with gmail. I guy at work demo'ed gmail to me and its way better than the k-rap I was using before. He sent me an invite (thanks anyway Mark) so I think I'll go that way unless anyone has any other suggestions. I just hope gmail doesn't over do it with adds and popups.

Gmail can be accessed by Outlook or any program that does POP3 so you don't need to worry about popup or even using their web interface at all. For the reason Mark mentioned, I only use it to receive attachments from people because the hosting company I go through caps at 5mb.

To be honest, I've been happy with Yahoo ever since they started blocking spam. I think their limit is 1GB too.

Either way, I NEVER use email addresses provided by my ISP. It's just another reason to never price shop for service.
Brad B.