Is there a specific question dealing with ARP? I've never heard of anyone having an actual problem with it.

Not really, only that I'm implementing a "as minimal and fast" as possible UDP implementation on an embedded system, but this obviously requires the use of ARP (ok, technically it doesn't it could all be hard wired, but I'd like to use dynamic ip in the future).

Having read up on as much as possible I was just curious as to how bad ARP data is dealt with.

My other solution is to simply just use my own data format for the packets and forget UDP all together (the network in this case is "private" and contains only the embedded units), but it would be handy to allow a PC onto this network for configuration and such like.

I know that linux is capable of reading/writing raw packets "out of the box", but using a standard IP protocol seems a better way to go - seeing as UDP isn't that difficult to implement.