I've been searching the web trying to find this answer, but I can't seem to find the correct sequence of words that reveals the answer.

In MFC how would one go about creating an (MDI) application that had a "project/workspace" style container, i.e like visual studio.

MFC has a Document/View system, but I believe that assumes that the document is the top level object, in my case you'd open a "document" which filled a treeview with the sub documents which could then be opened by double clicking on them.

I've not touched MFC for a few years, but I have an application I need to write and I want to use the xtreme toolkit for the GUI (I wrote my own ".NET 2003/2005 style" docking windows library in plain Win32 API for our main product as that's a straight Win32 API app) because it has lots of nice features and it will cut down the amount of time I spend doing pointless stuff!

Any pointers, guidance or ideas are appreciated.