This is on my Sony Vaio SRX87
I had a Vaio 505E and a R600MX, the R600 was around a similar vintage to your SRX I'm guessing. The 505 was running Windows and Debian, the R600 Gentoo.
On both of them the out-of-box battery life was unremarkable, borderline bad. Worse than average.
After a year, they both went from just-usable to pathetic. The 505 would not manage half an hour on the original battery, and the R600 would just about make it to 45 minutes. This is on a 12-18 month old laptop.
My experience is that these slim Vaios suck. My sisters old Dell, dads Thinkpad, and my Powerbook (all about 3yrs old) last ~ 2-2.5hrs on a charge.