I trust you weren't anything to do with the Flintshire Motors radio ad

That really is awesomely terrible....and, if you're going to advertise it's a jolly good idea to spell out: Where you are/How to contact you!
This not being included, I googled and reached "Worst commercial ever" on a forum, but not where the garage is!

What makes it worse is, as far as I can gather, the voice over guy's a University lecturer in radio production: I bet his students laugh behind his back!
I've had more time to look and I can't find this dealership, nor can the Vauxhall site: did the commercial drive them in to liquidation?

N.B. We never were the largest ad. agency in the area, but by the time I spoke to our rep., he had talked to the Sales Manager and the Sales Manager had talked to the Sales Director, who had then taken it to the CEO, everybody believed it and it seemed churlish of me to argue!

Edited by boxer (20/04/2006 08:34)