I think we're all in agreement on the issue at hand here. Even though I suspect that my views fall in line with the vast majority of those serving in our military, I wouldn't support them being the only ones allowed to vote. Hell, all it'd do is tempt the politicians to pander to military personnel and then some nut job would propose unionizing the Army!

I was going to say something about how politics have gotten so bad that a lot of people stay at home out of disgust rather than out of being haggard, but that's not really the case. Remember in the 90's where the main complaint was that Republicans and Democrats were basically becoming the same thing (this is prior to Ken Star)? Well, voter turn out was lower then than it is now in the Michael Moore/Ann Coulter culture we're in so I guess, as much as I hate to admit it, the current political culture actually gets people pretty mobilized.

If you guys think Presidential election turn outs are sad, have you seen your local turn outs for elections like school board or various propositions?
Brad B.