carpal tunnel
Registered: 29/08/2000
Posts: 14507
Loc: Canada
Quote: ... it's utterly awesome that you're doing that work and supporting us all in such a cool way.
Nah, it's just a slight flaw in my character that's showing through. I need to work on that some more.
Quote: If you were a mad scientist, I would happily be your minion.
Heh.. I'll just let the Dictionary Tooltip respond to this:
min·ion Pronunciation (mnyn). n.
1. An obsequious follower or dependent; a sycophant.
2. A subordinate official.
3. One who is highly esteemed or favored; a darling.
[French mignon, darling, from Old French mignot, mignon.]
ob·se·qui·ous Pronunciation (b-skw-s, b-). adj.
Full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning.
[Middle English, from Latin obsequisus, from obsequium, compliance, from obsequ, to comply : ob-, to; see ob- + sequ, to follow; see sekw-1 in Indo-European roots.]
syc·o·phant Pronunciation (sk-fnt, sk-). n.
A servile self-seeker who attempts to win favor by flattering influential people.
[Latin scophanta, informer, slanderer, from Greek skophants, informer, from skon phainein, to show a fig (probably originally said of denouncers of theft or exportation of figs) : skon, fig + phainein, to show; see bh-1 in Indo-European roots.]
