There is some very crappy reporting on that car. The articles all seem to say "second only to the Veyron's 0-60" time, whereas in fact there are quite a few cars out there that can beat its 3.5 second time.

Also, they mention 8g. Let's see, 60mph is about 30m/s, which, if attained in 3 seconds, implies acceleration of about 10m/s2, or 1g. Did I miss an order of magnitude somewhere?

Most of the articles seem to imply that he designed the car and that it is a "production" model as well.

Remind me which chasis is this - I saw it in Top Gear (Clarkson was grinning like madman driving it) but forgot the name.

Still, I am all for fast, exciting electric cars. If we end up with lots electric cars on the roads in the coming years then they are going to end up having to fit loadspeakers to them (that go "vroom, vrooom"). Otherwise the number of pedestrians stepping out in front on the otherwise quiet cars is going to sky-rocket.

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue