I'm sure I am not the only person here who has a rediculous amount of devices in my home office. Doing a quick count I have:
- pc1
- pc2
- mac mini
- server1
- server2
- monitor1
- monitor2
- external hd1
- external hd2
- switch
- wifi
- router
- empeg
- amp
- printer
- usb hub
- lamp
- laptop dock
- battery chargers
- scanner
- fax
- shredder
- radio
I am trying to be more sensible and turn things off when I am not using them. At the moment everything is connected by a mess of a series of cheap/nasty 4 and 6 gang unswitched extension leads.
I want to improve on this. I want to be able to switch each device off separately and I want to be able to easily see which device is on. Ideally I'd like it all to not take up too much space...
The best I can come up with so far are cheap and nasty 8 gang switched extension leads from Homebase, which are huge and further add to the oil refinery look of my room at night...
Does anyone have any better ideas ?
P.S. I'm in the UK, so UK only solutions please