Okay. It claims that it has a DVI-HDCP input. You ought to be future-proof with that, but someone with more knowledge of the impending screw-early-adopters stuff might want to chime in in case there's something that actually requires HDMI.

But, to speak to the issue right now, the issue is that HD signals can be transmitted over component cabling, DVI, and HDMI. HDMI is the newest one. In the future, we're being told, there is a high likelihood that HD signals will require DRM encryption in order to be seen at full resolution, supposedly to foil pirates. HDMI has the DRM capability built into the specification. DVI is capable of it, but not all DVI inputs will necessarily be capable of dealing with it. It's impossible with component cabling.

Like I say, with the HCDP-capable DVI input, you should be good, but they're coming up with new ways to screw their customers all the time.
Bitt Faulk