I work Customer/Technical Support for a small software company and I usually get an ID10T error about once every 2-4 weeks. This one I had to pass on to you guys. Here's the email conversation we had in about an hour's time:

her: Hi Russell,

I have a machine that all of a sudden will not allow the teacher to enter grades. It is a windows 2000 machine with Office XP. Other machines are fine - does not seem to be a problem with the program itself. Any ideas why this might happen?


me: When you say it will not allow them to enter grades, what kind of error message are they getting? Is it returning any message at all?

her: He says it is not doing anything...no error message. He's typing numbers and nothing happens.

me: Is he using the number keys on the right side of the keyboard and the num lock isn’t on maybe?

her: I thought for sure I'd be laughed at for even asking that question of our computer teacher (the one who WAS having trouble), but that's exactly what the problem turned out to be. Thanks for seeing the obvious! :-)

Yep, the school's computer teacher. Here's your sign.
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will." Vince Lombardi