Perfect timing. I was just trying to sink some time online reading about Asterisk last night. So maybe you can share a bit of info to educate me and anyone else who still has a lot of qestions.
I'm vaguely familar with PBX systems of old but not so much on the provisioning side. The biggest meta question I have right now is what do I need to get this all going.
Here's how I have my place set up right now (no PBX or fancy distribution).
POTS = disconnected at the demarcation point.
CABLE Internet to cable modem to router (which connects up to some additional switches, pcs, etc..)
ATA (BroadvoxDirect branded Sipura device) connected via Ethernet to the Router
Cordless phone base connected to ATA which supplies signal to 5 phones around the house/office
I currently subscribe to a package with BroadvoxDirect for unlimited calling to Canada and US.
I'd love to have the same unlimited calling with VOIP but with the ability to run 3-5 unique calls at one time. Specifically with the ability to accept and transfer incoming calls when the line is busy (doing this manually as well as having people be able to key in an extension or other code to reach a specific number.
Some info I need:
Server requirements (Computer and normal computer bits)
What additional hardware to plug into the server.
Any special phones to pick up?
General process for achieving above goal.
And anything else I need to know/obtain/setup to get what I mentioned above?