The key layout on the 880 frankly stinks. The key shapes although pretty to look at are not very functional, especially the volujme and channel buttons. The oval direction pad is pretty good and definitely better than their others.
You're right, I would have preferred a larger volume up/down button, but my thumb falls right on the volume when I'm holding the remote.
The color screen is pretty useless. They employ roughly 8-bit color only on the activity screen. After that you've got white text on a blue background and that's it. The font rendering is hideous to say the least.
That was kind of silly, it's true that they don't take advantage of the screen to the full extent.
To top it off, the remote is slow. It queues up commands like crazy (even if you adjust the settings and delayes for the respective devices that you're controlling).
I have noticed this. It does not bother me that much, except when I'm scrolling through guide listings. It is probably just a tad bit slower than my PVR remote.
As a point of reference here are some of the remotes I have:
Harmony 880
Harmony 688
Harmony 748
Pronto TSU 2000
Pronto SBC-RU 950 (European version of TSU-3000)
Home Theater Master MX-700
Home Theater Master MX-850
Radio Shack model 15-1994
UEI Kamelen model 9000-series
and a ton (maybe 10-12) device-specific remotes, like the TiVo peanut, DirectTV white DVR remote, etc..
Seems like you are hard to satisfy.