I really enjoyed it. It answered some questions, but not nearly as many as I would have liked.

Which, of course, is the whole point of what JJ is doing with the show, hence the murderous rage.

The man owns me like a crack dealer owns his customers. I worship him and hate him all at the same time.

I will thank him for all his wonderful work as I'm torturing him to death and making him reveal his secrets to me.

For those who don't follow Lost, each time a question is answered, it sets up a whole new host of questions. This two hour season-ending cliffhanger was one of the biggest ones, in that respect. It reminds me of the episode that started the season, where the mystery of "the hatch" was revealed. Only this time, we're left with a doozy of a cliffhanger: We don't know if two of the biggest main characters are alive or not.

Someone earlier in the thread compared it to X-files. I think this show is the anti-X-files. It's like Chris Carter, through his bad example, taught other TV writers What Not To Do. For instance, don't make up the mythology as you go along. Instead, have a long term story arc with a clear goal in mind, and reveal little pieces of the mythology at carefully placed intervals.

If you're going to watch the show, buy the DVD set. Last year, they released the Season One DVDs about a week before the opening episode of Season Two. I hope they do that again this year, it's the perfect scheme for getting new viewers hooked. You can catch up on the series before starting to watch the new season. And boy, what a fantastic series.

Next to Firefly, I think this is probably the most engaging sci-fi show on TV.
Tony Fabris