Yeah. It's really starting to look like my options are:
  1. Buy a tabletop cooktop and construct a box around it
  2. Buy a grill and deal with a single "side-burner"
  3. Buy an "outdoor kitchen" and spend $5000

I'm not a big fan of any of those options, but I guess I'll have to make do.

I think I might go to my local grill store and ask them if they have any options.

The Home Depot Bayou one is 25" tall. I'm not really sure of the point of the "extension legs" on those things. Maybe midgets are the only people who want to cook outside besides me.

The "budget overkill" one is neat, but no burners. I don't want to have to heat up the whole griddle just to cook in one pan.
Bitt Faulk