There's something about the format of a record album that makes it a work of art unto itself.
Yes, I agree, which is why I started the thread. I guess my question is how many people still treat albums like this? I know I don't as much as I used to- and of my personal collection, only the albums I've listed ever get treated as a single "work of art unto itself", regardless of what the artist intended. Most music I own just ends up being singles shuffled into playlists.

From the side of being an artist, when we recorded our CD we hoped that people would listen to it as a cohesive work of art. We spent a lot of time on song placement and tried hard to make sure they flowed well from one to the next, musically and thematically.

Edited by JeffS (31/05/2006 17:18)
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.