I'll put in a good word for the Canon G6, just to confuse things. I only owned one for a week, but it was a real nice little camera. Compact Flash is the cheapest/best card type, it supports Canon RAW, and it uses the same DSLR/camcorder batteries that last for ever and cost about $8 on ebay. (I think the dpreview test got well over 500 shots on one battery, and their battery benchmark involves power cycling and using the flash a good percentage of the time) It's super macro mode was impressive too, attached is an resized example without any cropping.
It's not the newest camera these days, and it's not the cheapest, but if I was in the market for a P&S camera with or without a flip out screen, it'd be near the top of my list.
283334-G6Macro_1.jpg (112 downloads)