IT WORKS !!!! Did some great rips with EAC/Lame 3.87. Got the commands from the documentation sheet, this is what I use -b 192 -m s -h -V 0 -B 256 --resample 44.1 -k . Up and running in two days with great quality sound. I've set EAC to use Lame as ext. encoder. But what if I want to make a bunch of wav's first and than encode them with Lame ? Tony, I will try to switch the Empeg for the Alpine as main headunit , but I don't think it has a aux-in ? W'll see. Now my Golf not only drives great ( 150 bhp and 340 Nm torque, who says a "diesel" is slow ) it also sound super ! Thank you all for helping me , it has saved me a LOT of time and stress. Isn't internet great ? See you all soon , probably tomorrow.