Since I was not seeing any volume level changes in my mp2gain modified tunes, I did a bit of searching on the board and came up with these old threads here
and here from 2004. Any new ideas to try here?

I've over 13K tracks on my unit now, all mp3gain adjusted, but none seem to play with change to level. I have played these previously on a (cover your ears!) a Neo Car unit running rockbox-like firmware, and the gain adjustment works as expected.

Now that I've finally gotten my empeg fitted with a large enough drive and installed, and I can get rid of that "other" unit, I find myself fiddling with the volume on just about every other track.

Is there any way to normalize tracks, without resorting to the dynamic volume control?
Rio MkIIa (plus PCATS tuner) - 120Gb - green with lighted Greenlights smoke buttons!
JL 300/4 (Polk Audio fr & rr) - JL 250/1 (Polk Momo 8" sw)