You have to log into the system with a FON username and password before you can access the internet, you can view this log on your account page at FON. I am sure at this early stage there are plenty of bugs to iron out, but I plan to give the AP it's own IP (I have 5 spare) and firewall it from my other network and use another NIC in my clarkconnect box too. On top of this I will restrict bandwidth to 128k for example, so no one can rack up huge bandwidth costs for me.

There is much discussion about sharing your internet connection, I think in the UK you can share it with your "neighbour" but I think that is alittle open as a statement. As for your ISP, if mine stops me I will just move to another one. I spent years with BT out of loyalty, and after seeing the light I wouldn't hesitate to move from Zen if they stopped me doing what I want from my internet connection.

