What is the purpose for this backup? Is this just for you personally, is it for a small group of users, or for a large departmental files server? What sort of backups do you need right now? Nightly, weekly, monthly?
Reason I ask is, if the job is big enough, you might want to dump the software that came with the drive and buy a commercial backup software package. Something more widely used, with better documentation and support, such as ArcServe (or whatever they've changed its name to these days).
If the job is small enough, see if Windows Backup recognizes the drive and you can just use that instead. Much simpler.
If you're going Big, you're probaly going to run into a bit of a learning curve even with well-documented software. Programs like ArcServe are meant to back up multiple file servers and desktops, manage vast tape libraries, and use plug-ins that allow 24x7 databases to be backed up even while they're in-use. They have complicated scheduling options, and the ability to save and load multiple schedule sets at the same time. A tool with that kind of power is going to seem complicated at first, because you're not going to be using all of its features.
Sounds like you're somewhere in the middle, between the simple manual backup and the huge enterprise backup. I don't know if there are any products that fit that niche. You may have to bite the bullet and get a serious enterprise backup package and just get used to its complexity.