
Now if they were to build a native C# compiler and C# libraries (assemblies? not 100% on this terminology, but I assume then .NET libraries are also interpreted) then they might have a viable alternative to 'C'.......

Plenty of the .NET framework in Windows is just wrappers round the native OS code. Also, C# isn't really interpreted as such. It all ends up being converted to native code in the end.

In my experience C# is fast enough for most purposes. I wouldn't want to write a game, a hugely graphics intensive app, device drivers or a database engine in it. For most other things it is fine.

I haven't used C# to draw hundreds of thousands of elements. I have however used it to draw thousands of elements at a time (to display musical scores). I drew the display using GDI+ rather than controls, which would have been slow.

My OSX version of the same UI, using Objective C was no faster, though that might be more a reflection of my Objective C skills or the speed of my pre-Intel Mac Mini...
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday