Hey Guys! Long time no chat. I've recently be amid a drive upgrade and found FAQ fix needed...
It looks like
this FAQ page needs a slight update. The link "Mark Lord's Special Disk Builder for large disks" points to an old location:
Special note for large drives: You might run into a problem if your disk drive is larger than about 40-60 gigabytes. The official empeg builder image hasn't been updated to support large disks. It sometimes runs out of memory when building the music partition. This will manifest itself as disk drive errors when the player boots or when you try to put music onto the player. If this happens, there are a few things you can try: You can use Mark Lord's Special Disk Builder for large disks. You can try to apply the builder image a second time (starting the procedure from the top). Sometimes this is enough. You can also partition and format the hard disk manually. If your disk is larger than 128 gigabytes, make sure to install the latest Hijack Kernel before partitioning and formatting manually. You will also need to re-install the Hijack Kernel after putting the developer upgrade onto the player.
Given the below:
- install the v2.01 player image from Windoze: instant corruption.
Only the Hijack kernels should ever be used with drives that large.
Of course, one might then ask, So how *do* I install the player software onto such a drive?
Simple. Use one of these installers instead of the stock one:
Totally untested, of course, just like the original builder_bigdisk.upgrade was. 
All these links seem to be broken, at least for me.
Never mind, Found them here.....