The MacBook's keyboard is atrocious

Hmmm it's the best feature of my MacBook. Anyway when it's in use at my desk the MacBook hides under the desk and I use a standard Apple bluetooth keyboard, but during mobile use I think it's fine, and I don't keep missing the enter key like you do if you have big hands on the iBook.

Having the ability to run windows is useful, but I have to say, I haven't really used it since I loaded bootcamp on.

I think choosing a new laptop is a difficult one, but I would agree about Toshiba laptops, my Tecra was built on the cheap. I snapped the motherboard on it once because it flexed so much in my bag! Never again!

Apple laptops are ok, I'm happy with mine, but I miss my docking connector and not having a bay for a second battery would have been nice.

