Mind you, I respect the life of every living thing on this planet, except humans and THOSE things. I go out of my way to safely remove every flying, crawling, slinking insect I find in my house on an hourly basis (where DO they come from). Yet those things, I kill with extreme prejudice.

Actually, I go out of my way to kill them with haste. The best is knocking small ones off a wall into the nearest spider web for immediate devouring. Hey, those little spiders don't bother me and they kill roaming insects, so I'll feed them millionlegapedes any day.

Here's a picture of the biggest one I've ever seen (and was forced to evict alive because my sister saw it first). You're looking at it through the gap between the door and frame because I was too frightened to get much closer. To capture him, I had to use a 6" tupperware, and his legs/antennae barely fit. Ooh, to have squashed it and watched its dismembered legs continue to twitch and curl in an attempted lightning escape...


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110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set