I remember that there were several other Carnivāle fans on the board, so in case those few of you didn't notice, the second season finally made it out on DVD this Tuesday. I promptly snatched one up at a local store (I even bought the soundtrack while I was there) and went home to relish in one of my favorite TV series. It was just as good as I remembered it, and the packaging on the second season is up to the same level of quality as the first. I think these might be the best produced DVD releases I have ever seen. The physical case is very well made, with great artwork, and the menus are top-notch. It's just a shame that I'm watching this show on such crappy TV, because it's one of the best looking shows I've ever watched.

Sadly, the extras are sparse on this set too. I think there are three commentaries, a couple short clips on how they do certain effects, and two longer features. One is the broadcast of the Museum of Radio and Television interview with the cast and creators, which I can't wait to watch (the one for Freaks and Geeks was pretty interesting), and the other feature is a 30 minute behind-the-scenes-style segment explaining the meaning behind most of the show. It wasn't that informative, if you pay close enough attention to the show while watching it, but I think I learned one or two little bits of info that I didn't gleam from watching the episodes.

Anyway, I just had to share in my joy of finally seeing this show finished on DVD. I would have loved to see how the complete 6-season story would have ended, but I think that the show, at least emotionally, ended well enough. It's hard to explain, but it swelled to such a climax at the end of season 2, that the resolution, despite having a huge cliffhanger, seemed satisfactory enough. Or maybe I'm just trying to justify it so I don't feel so bad about another great, underappreciated show being cancelled before its time.