Pardon my ignorance (and my curiosity ), what do you do with all that land? Are you going to build a house on it? Or is it farm land?

It's a little too rugged (high slope density) and too arrid for farming and too small for cattle ranching. I'm not interested in the agrarian life anyway.

The plan is to slowly improve the property with the goal of eventually building a custom 'off-grid' house. The roadway is the first step. Step 2 is getting a well drilled and some water tanks, pump, and power installed. Then comes a small cabin for weekend ventures.
All of that is a prelude to a large(ish) house.
It's quite a daunting project, I'm afraid, so I'm biting off little chunks of it at a time. In October I'll have had the title for three years and I'm not up to the rate of progress that I initially foresaw.
Meanwhile, it's a 'dirt simple' (pun fully intended) escape from the metropolitan areas and a nice place for a picnic or campout.

I just think, "Who wouldn't want to wake up to this view?"

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