In May of last year, when lightning struck close enough to fry electronics across my house, one of the victims turned out to be my Linksys WRT54G. The local side of it worked perfectly, but the WAN port was dead. Plugging my computer directly into the (ancient) Alcatel DSL interface box worked perfectly.

Fine. I replaced it with a shiny D-Link DGL-4300 (with GigE, speeding things up noticably between my fileserver and computer). Now, today, it happened again. I don't have any other evidence of fried electronics (yet), but there was some rain today, so there could well have been another lightning strike somewhere nearby. At any rate, the LAN is working fine but the WAN port is flakey. My router claims it's receiving packets on the WAN but with a very high error rate. DNS and everything else is hosed. And, as before, if I plug my computer directly into the Alcatel box, everything works perfectly.

(Annoyingly, the one year warranty on the D-Link expired a mere three months ago, otherwise I'd try to do a warranty claim with them.)


- Should I get a new router or is there any hope of repairing the current one?

- Should I bother AT&T (nee SBC nee Southwestern Bell) to send me a newer DSL modem, or is my ancient Alcatel 1000 worth keeping around? (I'm moving in a few months, so I don't want to do anything that would require me to sign a longer-term contract.)

- What's the right way to deal with surge supression to keep this from happening again? Do I want to get something that operates on the Ethernet, or the DSL, or what? My UPS has a telephone supressor, which I believe I tried routing the DSL line through when I first got it, but the DSL wasn't happy with that. I could always try again.
