I updated to the latest Hijack and I'm still having the problem. Actually, it seems like it got worse. I installed it yesterday and it seemed to work fine. First time it booted okay, but then the next time it got stuck on the boot logo. And again, and again when I retried. Then it was stuck on the boot logo screen with the message "Sigfault error". I gave up and the next time I got in my car I tried it again, same thing. This time I got "Sigbus error" and then "Sigill error". Gave up again. Tried again several hours later, booted just fine.
Tried again this morning, booted up just fine. It still forgets where to start, but it booted. When it chooses to boot seems to be random at this point. I have no idea.
I'm also noticing really awful sounding scrambling during some songs. For a couple of seconds, the sound will be all scrambled and torture to the ears. This doesn't happen that often, but it definitely happens. Its not the mp3.
Finally, sometimes when it does play, it'll just get stuck and stop responding. Sometimes this happens randomly, other times it happens when I switch sources. None of the buttons respond and I have to pull it out.
I imagine I'm really screwed?