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I am debating switching from a Win2K box over to a Linux box (Slack, RH, or 'Drake.. undecided now). One of the big sticking points is the availability of a linux-based "Emplode" program.

I have seen emptools kicking around, and I was wondering how it is used! Is it as nice as the Windows utilities? Is it restricted to serial, or can it use ethernet?

Basically - does someone out there have a HOWTO on it?!

Debian... you NEED debian.

ok... Anyways. There is the emptools, which are quite functional... From a UNIX standpoint. They are commandline/ftp style. No Gui. Me... I like them as I can do batch operations with them quite easily

There is also the Java Emplode, which while not quite the same as the Windows version, is quite functional. You can download it and run it on Windows to get a feel for it before you switch.. It's identical on both OS's...

Ethernet is no problem. USB, I'm not too sure about since I haven't bothered to use it, given the ethernet capabilities.

Synergy [orange]mk2, 42G: [blue] mk2a, 10G[/blue][/green] I tried Patience, but it took too long.