I am trying to ftp files between my home pc, my work pc and my cousin's pc. Between home and work all is fine. Between home or work to my cousin's I keep getting messages stating Content Scanning Enabled and the file gets scanned in pieces before it get downloaded to me. He's tried different ftp servers on his and we are now both using Filezilla Server.
I can't find anything in the settings about content scanning and he's disabled everything on his pc that might cause it (firewall, windows defender, anti-virus...)
I also get the same message on my web host (Siteocity).
This wouldn't be a big deal but I cannot upload or download large fiels without the download failing at some point. I tried uploading a video (47 megs) to my webhost the other night and it would always end up with transfer errors and wouldn't complete. I try to download large files from my cousin and I get the same error after any given period of time. This is becoming a real pain in the butt and I can't seem to find anything about it anywhere on the web.
Does anybody have any idea? Is there any way around this?
I am also using Filezilla FTP Client.
287531-Image1.gif (139 downloads)
12 gig empeg Mark II, SN: 080000101
30 gig RioCar SN: 30103114
My blog