What all do you need to make a rack unit out of one of these?

I don't bother with a rack mount. I just keep an extra power plug and an extra pair of RCA cables at each location I intend to use the Empeg (which for me is: living room, computer room, and my desk at work). Just sit it on the shelf next to your stereo (or right on top of the stereo if you like) and plug it in. If all you're doing is listening to the unit indoors, you have only three plugs to connect: Left audio, right audio, and power.

However, if you're really interested in a rackmount, there are other folks who have done precisely that. What they did is ordered a second in-car docking sled and built their own box with 12v power to house it.

Although that works, it has one disadvantage: Whenever the unit is in a sled, it thinks it's in a car. The Empeg has a neat feature which allows its volume and EQs to have two different "personalities": one for in the house and one for in the car. If your in-house mounting is a docking sled, then you always have the "in car" personality. For some people, this isn't a problem. But for me, it's important that I get a different set of EQs when I'm in the house.

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris