The BBC used to be cool.

Go to the next R&D open day (assuming they have another one), then tell me that statement is still true. Those guy's operate on a different level. Forget Google's army of nerds, it's like having a whole department of Patricks! There have been several R&D projects that've been open-sourced, in fact the java ATM (network stuff, not cash machine) classes were written by a guy working for the beeb. Look at dirac which is an open-source video codec.

It's a shame the BBC is moving away from stuff like that. They just keep selling stuff off.

Also remember that because the BBC don't make everything they show they don't always have control of what they do with it.

They're more than capable of making every radio show available for download as a .flac and keep an archive of shows stretching back years. The thing that stops them is licences and agreements, that's why they use a format that is less than straightforward to copy/save and only make them available for a week after transmission.

Andy M