Reboot the player by using the menu on the player itself, and when it restarts do a site command ROM.

Um, to do the procedure properly, you shouldn't be rebooting the player while it's set to RWM. Because if you reboot while it's set to read-write, you run into this problem.

Anyway, with Hijack installed, there is an HTTP command you can send to reboot the player, you don't even need to use its front panel ( http://empeg/?reboot&NODATA ). But in theory you shouldn't even need to reboot the player to do the database rebuild procedure. If you look closely at the database rebuild steps, at no time are you told to reboot the player to rebuild the database; only to exit and restart the player application to get it to perform the rebuild. Rebooting the player is only the last step (well after everything else is done) and I'm not sure that's even needed at all.

You're welcome to try doing those commands via FTP. Let us know how it goes?
Tony Fabris