Basically, you use either hyperterminal or ftp to transfer the fidsift file to your empeg. Then, you "run" it while connected via hyperterminal. Never running it again will not hurt anything, but you'll slowly lose the benefit of having run it. From what I remember, emplode was actually designed with "sifted fids" in mind, but the empeg guys never actually turned the feature on in the player. Mark found a bug with it, but Hijack took care of it. So.... emplode actually works with it just fine and will continue to put the fids in the correct subfolder.

If for some reason you do need to run it again, you just connect via Hyperterminal and type the command again... It'd be just like doing it the first time but it'll run much quicker.

In my test, database rebuilds went from 17 minutes to 8! And copying fids while doing a hard drive upgrade went way faster too. (I think I was mistaken about boot times).

Original Thread on - Give it a read.

Edited by SE_Sport_Driver (03/10/2006 01:46)
Brad B.