The dll is ours and contains a couple of functions:

int LaunchDatasheet(char *datasheet, char *path);
int Configure(void);

Our internal version (what we use in house) of the dll uses the mysql libraries to look the datasheet up in a database and launch that file, because it's fast. Obviously I cannot distribute this dll because it would violate the GPL as the application that uses it is commerical and closed source.

I plan to distribute a version of this DLL that uses a simple text based database with our software, the source code to this dll would be available so that end users could link it to their own database system with a little bit of programming, the "simple text based" database is not going to fast (or robust with multiple users).

My question is whether or not I can distribute the source code to the MySQL version of the DLL without violating the GPL, I would only be supplying our (single 'C') source file (with the visual studio project) and would not be distributing any mysql code, our code contains calls to mysql library functions but what we supply would not contain any mysql code in either source or binary form.

I would supply instructions on how to build the DLL.

Obviously I cannot supply the binary of the DLL because that would violate the GPL even though I would be supplying the source for it, because the application that makes use of the DLL is closed source and commercial.

