Phoenix42, I am using port 1433, default, as in SQL2000, and also the SQLSERVER is on the same machine than the ASP pages accessing it, so I don't think the port is what is causing the authentication failure, since I am not connecting via tcpip. Also, consider that other applications are using the same sa account successfully.

This is a further test I made:

In the connection string above, I changed "Data Source=.; ..." to "Data Source=blablabla; ..." (blabla=meaningless, non existent server), and I still got the SAME error message:


Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e4d'

Invalid authorization specification

/VIRINDOR/login.asp, line 38

That, I think, suggests that this error is generated even before the sa login is used to access the database. It really seems that it is the connection string syntiax that is somehow wrong, but I don't see where. I wonder if SQL2005 requires some different syntiax?
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg