I'm trying to make my second animated boot logo. Oddly, I didn't document the process from my first ABL, so I'm starting from scratch.

In ImageReady 7, how do I convert my 25 frame animated PSD to a 4 color animated GIF? In Photoshop 7, I'd use the Image > Mode > Indexed Color > somehow select a palette (next question) and try each of the different dithering options and percentages. This option doesn't appear to be in ImageReady. Or did I do it in Photoshop (frame by frame?!).

Also, can anyone verify that I'm building the four color palette correctly. My previous ABL shows I used the colors 000000 (black), FFFFFF (white), 505050 (dark gray, 80% for R G B), 606060 (light gray, 96% for R G B). The only place I see to set this palette is in the above mentioned Index Color mode change window, which I don't see in Image Ready. I got these values from the FAQ, but I'm not sure I'm using them correctly.

My test animation, using frames from the source videos, is attached. Volvo 740 wagon fishtailing and a Benz E55 AMG wagon (newer body than mine) power sliding. The frame rate is very low in order to fit the whole clips, which I may change once I know it will look ok after dithering. I also need to stabilize the left video, but only if the test looks ok.


288812-Volvo740BenzE55testABL.gif (177 downloads)

110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set