If you really want to get a feeling of putting a hurt on the Credit Card companies, take advantage of there 0% for XXmonths offers for balance transfers. Citibank for example will send you a check that you can then deposit in a high yield money market or CD. Alot of them have no fees. Even if there are capped fees at like $75 you still make money. I wouldn't advocate using the entire credit line they give to you though as that would adversely hit your credit profile. I wish they would send me more offers so I can profit from investing there money. Granted there are other caveats IE.it has to be invested in a safe vehicle that is FDIC insured and liquid so you could always pay it back at a moments notice if some problem arises. That is the way I am sticking to them. They want to offer me to take there money...sure I'll use it. Right before the promotional period expires pay it off and you have a profit to show for it. Free money to buy my next toy!!

MK2 12Gb
MK2a 60Gb