
I'm at a bit of a loose end at the moment, and need a bit of cash as well. So, the obvious solution was to start ebaying some of the crap lying around the house, which I've been saying "One day I'll ebay that" about for years.

So far, I've bunged about a dozen thing on ebay today, and have a few watchers for some of them. The one that caught me by surprise was an old nokia 6310i. I posted the auction with a buy it now price of £25 which seemed reasonable bearing in mind there was no charger with it. About a minute or so later, I realised I had typed in the wrong filename for the picture so went to revise the listing, only to find I couldn't because it had already sold!. What the hell? Did I massively underprice it, or was someone just in the right place at the right time?

I mean, it was practically a drive-by purchasing, it was so quick.

I wish the other things would go as fast. Or at all

Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...