Glad to see AOL and Real up top in the list.

Everything "Real" is banned from my university department network. Friggin auto updating, deeply nesting, popup popping, spyware filth.

I saw a gut wrenching yet brilliant bit of mindshare sharing regarding AOL's pathetic "keywords". On the bottom of my recent CDWG catalog at work, I saw "Google Keyword: EdTechMagazine" (or something like that). Clearly guiding unfortunately uninformed AOL users away from whatever proprietary not-really-the-Internet search they know and toward the real Wild Wild Web.

I was always embarassed on behalf of the major MAJOR corporations each time they mentioned their AOL keyword at the end of a big budget movie trailer, superbowl commercial, or other hundred million dollar venture. Good riddance.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set