It dosen't really matter weither they are called keywords or playlists or tags. In database lingo its all metadata. Fields of info in a record. One type of record is created for a tune. A tune record contains all the info unique to the tune. Another type is the playlist. A playlist record is just a way to key in on a particular subset of tunes. Its just a list of FID's. So a playlist for each keyword is already possible. The only thing needed to make this wish come true, is a few more subroutines in both the player and emplode. No changes to the format of the database at all.

Needed subroutines would be:
In emplode:
A way to see all the playlists (keywords) that a tune is associated with. Then a way to add playlists to those already shown. (choose from existing or create new.) It would be a bonus if this could be done from a keywords tag in the music itself.
In the player: a way to do boolean cross matches among playlists (ROCK+ORCHESTRA) to generate a temporary playlist. A neat way to do this on the player would be to scroll thru the subset of playlists designated as keywords. Turn Rob's knob to scroll, punch it to select/deselect, hit the top button to abandon, bottom to commit.

One thing, I should have said was "Its impractical to have keywords in the tunes." Some music formats just don't have tags. Even if every tune format had tags, its almost a given that they would not be stored in a compatable form. Emplode maintaince gets to be a real problem when all the differences have to be tracked. Heck, mp3's alone have problems related to different formats of V1 and V2 tags. I wouldn't count on Emplod being able to rebuild a database from tags.

(as I read this back for the last time, I realize I've had too much soda pop today.)
