Not the kremvax 
Here is an email from the period:
From: Oleg Tabarovsky <[email protected]>
Organization: Relcom Corp. (Research & Development)
Subject: Notes on some TCP/IP WAN activities in xSU
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1992 20:21:56 +0300
"Notes on some TCP/IP WAN activities in xSU Activities in
the field of TCP/IP networking include SU domain
coordination, assignment of IP numbers to ex-Soviet
organizations, development and operation of IP-network in
SU. The coordination and assignment of IP numbers for the
SU domain are carried out by RelTeam Ltd., a private
The former Soviet Union and Russian Network Information
Center is run by RelTeam Ltd., which assigns IP numbers
on behalf of RIPE NCC. RelTeam Ltd. is also the main
developer of all networking software in EUnet/RELCOM
network, and the coordinator of IP activities in
Some notes on current state and future of TCP/IP networking
in EUnet/RELCOM network operated by Relcom Corp follow.
Currently EUnet/RELCOM network connects approximately 3000
sites all over xSU. EUnet/RELCOM includes approximately 70
regional nodes (backbones) in all former USSR republics and
major cities. Currently most links between nodes and sites
in RELCOM are UUCP links. The network international link
now is UUCP connection to EUNet via host in
Several problems, including growth of the network,
significant delays because of UUCP links, and inability to
provide net services going beyond e-mail forced us to begin
a transition from UUCP to TCP/IP network. In doing this the
main problems we are facing are lack of at least medium
speed digital channels (64K), lack of appropriate routers
(cisco's are still under COCOM restrictions for us) and lack
of properly trained staff at every EUnet/RELCOM node.
Nevertheless, we try to solve all of these problems
(probably with the exception of the last one). At the end
of 1991 the kernel of xSU IP network began to grow.
Currently a pilot IP network connects 11 LANs in Moscow,
Moscow region and Barnaul (Altai). The links are mostly
voice grade leased lines equipped with V32bis modems and
dialup links (with permanent connection) via high quality
phone service called ISKRA (former communist party phone
network). ISKRA phone network connects almost all major xSU
cities and its quality permits reliable V32bis modem
connections. Currently Moscow backbone consists of 3 routers
at EUnet/RELCOM main hub (KIAE premises), ISKRA POP and
Moscow Long Distance Exchange. All other networks which form
current IP network kernel are connected to these routers.
Plans call for the establishment of international IP link to
the EUnet cisco in Amsterdam through the router at Moscow
Long Distance Exchange in just a few weeks. Voice grade
leased line which will form the link is going to be equipped
with ZyXEL modems at both ends. That will allow to exchange
data at speed up to 16800 bps uncompressed.
During the first stage of IP network development in xSU we
plan to connect all major EUnet/RELCOM nodes via voice grade
leased lines and ISKRA dialup links. In the near future (by
the end of 1992) we hope to establish up to 20 IP links via
leased lines and several other links via ISKRA, these links
will form the global IP network connecting at least 50 LANs.
Regional backbones will in their turn form intraregional IP
networks in such areas as Siberia, Ural, Altai,
St.Petersburg, Ukraine, the Far East and others."