I've been happy my DirecTV-crippled HD10-250 TiVo for several years. We only just got the version 6.x software upgrade a few weeks ago. Still no HMO or TivoToGo. Despite all this, it "just works", which is certainly a big deal to me.
In January, when we head out to California for my sabbatical, the place we'll be renting has a "no satellite dishes" policy (plus, it's got free basic analog cable, and yes, I know that it's illegal for them to make that restriction, but it's not worth a big fight to me). That means that I'm going to be "in play" for a different DVR solution than what we're currently doing. For all the reasons discussed above, I'm now willing to consider non-TiVo solutions, starting with EyeTV linked to my Mac Mini. If that doesn't suck, then I'll be saying goodbye to TiVo.