I can't add in new rows with inversed numbers and still have any of my sum functions return proper values

Generally speaking, if you do an "Insert Columns" action, it will update all of your formulas automatically.


But to clarify and simplify... Let's say I have about eight columns of data, one of which contains several years worth of dollar amounts, negative for the charges, positive for the payments. Now all of a sudden, the dollar amounts I am downloading have signs reversed. Those amounts need to go into the same column as the other dollar amounts so they can be summed (among other things) but for that to happen, the signs on the new data first have to be reversed. So far the only way to do that is to add another column somewhere as an intermediate step in the sign reversal process. I really don't want to keep that intermediate column after the signs are reversed, it just clutters up things and offends my sense of tidiness, but I can't delete it because it is what generates the formula that would be in the original data column in place of the actual dollar amounts.

So here's what I'll do. I'll import the data somewhere out of the way in the spreadsheet, do my sign reversal and paste special to get the numbers the way I want them, get the columns arranged the way I want (not the same as the download structure) and then copy and paste the new data to where it belongs in the body of the spreadsheet. With my programmable keyboard I can probably set up to do this with just a couple of keystrokes and half a dozen mouse clicks, and I only have to do it once a month or so.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"